“Team administrators” can edit information of all team members except for their own information. The following four items of information can be edited.
Items that can be edited
Email address
Administrator rights (team administrator rights / document administrator rights / confidential document administrator rights/ audit log viewing rights ※Corporate
Plan,Business Plan,Enterprise Plan)
Approval rights (Business Plan,Enterprise Plan)
Your name is the only information that you can edit yourself. Check your details in Profile. You cannot edit other information by yourself. Request another “team administrator” to change or edit any other information.
If there are no other “team administrators,” Add a member and grant them the “team administrator rights,” then request that “team administrator” to change or edit your information.
Approval rights are a function only available with the Business Plan.
SSO administrator rights can only be granted/revoked by the “SSO administrator role.”
If you are adding a user who is already signed up with a free plan account, you cannot change their information other than their rights until they join the team.
If you are adding a user who is already signed up with a free plan account, the name they have registered will be reflected.
Operation method
1. Access the Managem Settings Screen and select “Members.” A list of the members in the team other than yourself is displayed.
2. Click the member you want to edit information for. (You can use the search box at the top to search for members by email address.)
3. The “Edit member information” window is displayed, so enter the details to update and click “Save.”
4. This completes editing member information. If member information has been edited, that member will receive an email notifying them of the relevant changes. The email contains details of the changes that have been made.