“CloudSign SCAN” is a service that covers all the steps required for scanning printed contracts to entering document information (such as the other party’s name, amount, and date of contract) for you.
Using CloudSign SCAN to convert contracts to data enables management of contracts in CloudSign, including searching for contracts, date management and deadline management with alert notifications.
Scanned contract data can be found in “Manage documents” in the Management Screen.
CloudSign SCAN service
There are two CloudSign SCAN services available.
Batch SCAN: batch scan all previously printed contracts
Periodic SCAN: monthly scan printed contracts that are created on an ongoing basis
クラウドサインSCAN | CloudSign SCAN |
2つのサービス | Two Services |
過去の契約書を一括で代行作業 | Batch scan all previous printed contracts |
一括SCAN | Batch SCAN |
定期的に代行作業を依頼する | Request scans periodically |
定期SCAN | Periodic SCAN |
紙の契約書スキャンPDF化 | Scan printed contracts and convert to PDF files |
書類情報入力 | Enter document information |
クラウドサインにインポート | Import into CloudSign |
クラウドサインで作業代行 | Performed by CloudSign |
契約者様ご自身での作業 | Performed by customer |
Any combination of services can be selected to suit your particular circumstances: Batch SCAN only, Periodic SCAN only, or both Batch and Periodic SCAN.
Resolving issues faced by management departments
CloudSign SCAN can help resolve issues often faced by management department staff: managing contracts is complex and it takes time to find contracts, making managing deadlines difficult.
契約書の捜索時間 | Time for searching for contracts |
3営業日 | 3 business days |
10秒 | 10 seconds |
スキャンの工数 | Man-hours for scanning |
社内弁護士が業務工数の10%をかける | In-house lawyer spends 10% of their total man-hours |
業者にお任せ業務工数0 | 0 man-hours as operations are outsourced |
スキャンの精度 | Scanning accuracy |
ミスが約30%発生 | Approximately. 30% errors occur |
専用の設備で正確に実施 | Performed accurately with dedicated equipment |
契約書の保管・活用 | Storage and utilization of contracts |
事業部のキャビネットに眠っている | Kept in operation department filing cabinet |
法務が全社的な契約書を把握 | Legal department can handle company wide contracts |
契約書の管理 | Management of contracts |
更新/解約漏れに気づかない | Unnoticed missed renewals/cancellations |
自動アラートで更新/解約漏れなし | Automated alerts, so no missed renewals/cancellations |
Centralized management with CloudSign SCAN
Using CloudSign SCAN allows all contracts to be managed in CloudSign.
Centralized management improves searchability (reduces time for searching), allows legal staff to handle all contracts in a company, assists management of deadlines with automated alerts, and more.
クラウドサインにて一元管理可能 | Centralized management with CloudSign |
クラウドサイン | CloudSign |
過去に紙で締結 | Previously concluded on paper |
取引先都合で紙で締結 | Concluded on printed contract due to business partner requirements |
すでにPDF化済み | Already converted to PDF file |
他社電子契約で締結 | Concluded with different electronic contract services |
クラウドサインが契約管理台帳に | CloudSign used to manage contracts |
契約書の捜索が一瞬で | Search for contracts instantaneously |
倉庫から取り寄せるので3営業日必要 | Requires 3 business days to bring contracts from warehouse |
10秒程度で検索表示可能 | Can be searched and displayed in around 10 seconds |
全社の契約書の把握が可能に | Can handle companybwide contracts |
事業部のキャビネットに眠っている | Kept in operation department filing cabinet |
法務が全社の契約書を把握 | Legal department can handle companybwide contracts |
期限管理が可能に | Can manage deadlines |
現場管理だと解約・更新漏れが頻発 | Management on-site results in cancellations or renewals often being missed |
自動アラートで期限管理可能 | Automated alerts to manage deadlines |
The service can be customized to suit customer requirements such as the number of documents or amount of document information. Free estimates can be provided, so please feel free to submit an inquiry.
Steps to start using the service
打ち合わせ | Hold meeting |
見積もり | Provide estimate |
申し込み | Submit application |
原本送付 | Send original copies |
仕様書作成 | Create service specifications |
作業開始 | Start operations |
申し込み後は原本を送付するだけ | You will only need to send the original paper copy after applying |
※金額は書類の部数/ページ数/書類情報数などにより異なります。詳細についてはお問い合わせください。 | * Pricing differs depending on the number of documents, number of pages, amount of document information, and other factors. Please inquire for more details. |
The “Import function” is also available so you can import documents you converted to PDF files yourself. See here for more details.
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CloudSign SCAN