When all the recipients specified in the routing order have provided their consent, the following parties will receive an email notification of "contract signing completion."
Sender team’s “document administrator”
Recipient team’s “document administrator”
Forwarding/sharing recipients (only if specified)
For confidential documents, the following parties will receive the "successful conclusion of agreement" email.
Confidential document sender
Confidential document recipient
Confidential document administrator (sender team/recipient team)
Forwarding/sharing recipients (only if specified)
PDF files are not attached to the email notification of "contract signing completion" sent to the confidential document administrator. If the confidential document administrators want to check the document, they need to click on the link in the email or check from the Management Screen.
Users with an account (excluding sharing recipients)
Concluded documents can be viewed from the link to the concluded documents on CloudSign and from the attached PDF files.
Users without an account
Concluded documents can be viewed from the link (valid for 10 days) to the concluded documents on CloudSign and from the attached PDF files.
Sharing recipients
Concluded documents can be viewed from the attached PDF files. Documents cannot be viewed on CloudSign.
Concluded documents may not be attached in some cases due to the file size.
See here for more details.