What is CloudSign
“CloudSign” is a simple and easy-to-use cloud-based service for managing electronic contracts.
By clicking on the link you receive by email, you can access, check, and sign to consent to documents online.
Operation method
Information on how to work with the documents you receive is outlined in the following pages.
Q: Do I need to register with CloudSign when I receive documents?
A: No, when you receive documents, you can sign agreements without registering with CloudSign. Accordingly, there are no fees for doing this.
Note that if you have received documents specified with advanced authentication request functions, you will need to register an account. See here for more details.
Q: Are there any legal issues with concluding a contract using CloudSign?
A: Under Japanese law, any format can be used to conclude a contract, so there is no issue with concluding contracts online. See here for more details.
Q: Is CloudSign fully secure?
A: Customer “contracts” are important data, so CloudSign utilizes the latest security technology to handle them. See here for more details.
Q: What are the benefits of registering with CloudSign?
A: Registering an account means you can save documents in CloudSign, so you can search documents by name and view documents at any time.
Search Keywords
Manual, User Guide, Recipient, Operation