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Checking electronic signatures and time stamps
Checking electronic signatures and time stamps
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Written by クラウドサイン運営事務局
Updated over 2 months ago

PDF documents concluded using CloudSign are applied with electronic signatures and time stamps.

This page includes the operation method for checking the electronic signatures and time stamps on the PDF.


Using the Electronic Signature Panel

1. Items available to check on the electronic signature panel

The applied electronic signatures and time stamps can be checked in the Adobe Acrobat Reader electronic signature panel.

  1. Electronic signatures (section in red frame)
    - Document ID (unique ID applied with this service. See here for more details)
    - Entered input fields
    - Consent by sender
    - Consent by recipient

  2. Time stamps (section in yellow frame)

2. Checking the version

Opening the signature panel shows the applied electronic signatures in the following order from “Version 1.” The number of applied electronic signatures differs depending on factors like the number of specified input fields in the document or the number of recipients. Therefore, the number of versions also differs with each document.

This is illustrated in the following example.

ー Example of a concluded document

  • Sender: Specifies 1 “text box”

  • 2 recipients (recipient A / recipient B)

  • Recipient A: 1 “stamp” specified

  • Recipient B: no input fields requested

ー Examples of versions shown with the above document

  • Version 1: Document ID (fixed)

  • Version 2: “Text box” by sender

  • Version 3: Consent by sender

  • Version 4: “Stamp” by recipient A

  • Version 5: Consent by recipient A

  • Version 6: Consent by recipient B

  • Version 7: Electronic signature with time stamp

  • Version 8: Time stamp

Operation Method

Check that electronic signatures and time stamps are valid

1. Open concluded PDF file using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

2. A message related to the electronic signature is displayed at the top of the screen.

[Types of messages]

  1. “Signed and all signatures are valid. ”
     → All electronic signatures are valid, and there are no issues present.

  2. “At least one signature is invalid. ”
     → See here to check the appropriate settings.

  3. Other messages
     → Contact us using the Chat screen at the bottom right of CloudSign. We will check the details for you.

Check the details of electronic signatures and time stamps

This method is used for checking details like the document ID or the time the recipient provided their consent.

To check a simplified version, please also use Download certificate of contract conclusion.

1. Click the “Electronic signature panel” at the top right of the screen.

2. The “Electronic signature panel” is displayed on the left side of the screen. Details can be viewed and verified here.

3. Clicking “>” in the image displays details of each version.

The number of versions differs depending on the document. See “Using the electronic signature panel” > “2. Checking the version” in this article for more details.

[Check the document ID]

  • Check by clicking through Version 1 (document ID fixed to Version 1) > “Signature details” > “Reason.”

  • The document ID is listed at the bottom left on page 1 of concluded documents.

[Check the input fields]

  • The “Who (email address)” and “When (date/time)” details for the entered input fields, as well as the authentication method for consenting and concluding the document can be checked in “Signature details” > “Reason.”

  • Clicking the field enables the relevant input field on the PDF to be verified.

[Check consent]

  • Details of “Who (email address)” and “When (date/time)” the document was consented to and concluded, as well as the authentication method for consenting and concluding the document can be checked in “Signature details” > “Reason.”

  • Signatures are invisible, so they cannot be checked in the document shown on the right side. They can only be checked in the electronic signature panel.

[Check electronic signatures with time stamps]

  • Documents can be checked to confirm that an electronic signature with time stamp (PAdES-T) has been applied (fixed as the second to last version).

  • Signatures are invisible, so they cannot be checked in the document shown on the right side. They can only be checked in the electronic signature panel.

[Check document time stamps] *Using the SEIKO time stamp service

  • The document can be checked to confirm that document time stamps have been applied (fixed as the final version).

  • Check the date and time that the document time stamps were applied in “Signature details” > “Certificate details.”

  • The term of validity is listed in “End of validity period.” 

  • Signatures are invisible, so they cannot be checked in the document shown on the right side. They can only be checked in the electronic signature panel.


  • Electronic signatures can only be verified using the PDF viewer Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from here.

  • If documents were sent before June 9, 2020, “At least one signature has a problem. ” is displayed. In this case, the settings here are required before viewing the documents.

  • For Free Plan users and those on the Standard Plan with no long-term signature function included, documents you sent that were concluded before September 6, 2020 are not applied with a time stamp. 


Q: When are electronic signatures and time stamps applied?

A: CloudSign applies electronic signatures and time stamps when the following happens.

[Electronic Signatures]

1. When sending documents

When the sender sends the document, an electronic signature is applied as a record of the sender consenting to the document.

2. When consenting to documents

When the recipient takes action to consent to the content of the document and the agreement is concluded, an electronic signature is applied as a record of the recipient consenting to the document. If input fields have been specified, electronic signatures are applied corresponding to the number of input fields.

3. When forwarded by a recipient (Standard Plan or above only)

If a recipient uses the CloudSign forwarding function to forward the document to other members with the required rights, an electronic signature is applied as a record of the recipient forwarding the document.

[Time Stamps]

1.When successfully concluding a document

When all recipients take action to consent to the content of a document and the agreement is concluded, an “electronic signatures with time stamps (PAdES-T) + document time stamp + verification information” (PAdES-A) is applied as a record of the recipients consenting to the document.

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